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What You Missed in Our ‘How Mindfulness Helps Employees Build Stress Resilience’ Webinar

By: The RethinkCare Community

Published: Mar 22, 2019
people drinking coffee talking and laughing

So, you missed our latest webinar on mindfulness and resilience? That’s ok! I’m here to fill you in on some of the how’s and why’s and I’ll leave it up to you to check our next webinar to see how you can fix it (and insert a shameless plug for our March 28th Webinar on Emotional Intelligence Skills for High Performance Work Cultures).

Here’s what you missed: Did you miss @RethinkCare’s latest #Mindfulness webinar? Don’t worry! This blog has everything you need to get up to speed!

What is Resilience?

Resilience is the ability to be cool, calm, and collected and to bounce back in the face of challenges. Most importantly, resilience is performing well under pressure. Resilient employees are able to tackle ongoing challenges without disengaging, going negative or losing enthusiasm. . In other words, they have determination and grit when going through challenging times.

Projects rarely go perfect according to plan. How are your employees facing challenges? Are they getting upset, checking out, taking things personally, or getting carried away by their emotions? Mindfulness and resilience training helps employees drive towards success without taking unhelpful detours.

The Only Constant is Change

In a world where things are constantly moving and upgrading, the only sure thing is change. Moreover, we’re asking our employees to work through constant innovation, transformation and more without batting an eye. This can take a toll on your employees’ resilience at any level in their career. In the face of ongoing change, we want to help professionals to build up skills to calm and focus the mind and be calm cool and collected under pressure.

#ICYMI: @WeAreRethinkCare just had a phenomenal webinar on #Mindfulness. Make sure you read this article to see what you missed!

What Do Your Employees’ Love About Work

What do your employees’ say they love the most about their jobs? ? Is it the clients, their coworkers, or the atmosphere? Now, what do they say they don’t like about work? When we asked people these questions, we usually get similar answers for both questions. So, here’s what this means for resilience:

Employees need to have the skills to deal with the daily norms, including constant change and should be developing the skills to be resilient through the ups and downs. We’re training our brains all the time. If you’re focusing on the positive, that will become a habit; if you’re focusing on the negative, that will become your default mindset. Training helps to tips the positivity scale in your favor.

A Lot is Happening in Your Brain

Most of us weren’t taught how to do two things while we were growing up:

  1. How to manage emotions
  2. How to raise kids

In both cases, we’re expected to just figure it out and hope everything turns out for the best. It’s critically important to help our employees learn how to manage their emotions. Harvard researchers estimate the average person spends 47% of the time with their mind wandering, worrying about everything except what’s happening in the moment. This ongoing distraction, unchecked emotions, and lack of focus that can harm workplace culture.

Mindfulness is Critical to Manage Employee Stress

If you think your employees’ are stressed now, think about what’s going to happen in the next ten to fifteen years:

  • Smartphones are the best stress and distraction delivery devices ever invented. Today, 5 billion people have at least one mobile devices.
  • The average Gen Xer checks their phone 130 times a day, and Millennials check 227 times a day. Without basic training in mindfulness and emotional regulation, the average professionals whole live can feel like it’s changed by an email, call or text.
  • The average professional is training distraction like they’re going for Olympic Gold.
  • Social media feeds our inner critics with unrealistic social comparisons.

Practicing mindfulness helps employees build up resilience, focus, manage inner critics and be less stressed in all aspects of life. By practicing mindfulness regularly, research shows that employees will be able to focus and be calm during hard times and shift towards positivity. This is critical in being resilient, slowing down, inviting others in, and collaborating more effectively with coworkers.

In short, you missed a lot during our last webinar, and as much as I tried to recap everything in this blog post, it’s just not possible. Watch the recording to learn even more! Mindfulness is one of the most important things you can help your employees’ with and, in the long run. It helps them be happier and healthier – and that turns into good business.

The RethinkCare webinars always share the latest science-based practices and proven techniques to create a better and more resilient workplace for your employees’ and yourself. Join us for our next webinar on March 28th. Get your free CE credits and learn about Emotional Intelligence Skills for High Performance Work Cultures.

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