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Headshot of Christine Carter, Ph.D.

Christine Carter, Ph.D.

Sociologist, Author, Coach

Dr. Christine Carter, a sociologist, author, and coach, redesigns work to enhance joy, productivity, and fulfillment. At BetterUp, she creates transformative coaching experiences for individuals, teams, and organizations. Her books include The New AdolescenceThe Sweet Spot, and Raising Happiness. Dr. Carter, a TED speaker, has appeared on shows like “Oprah Winfrey Show” and “TODAY”, and her insights have been featured in major newspapers. She resides in Northern California with her family.

Resources by Christine Carter, Ph.D.


Many commentators took issue with my claim that happiness comes when we live with total integrity—when we stop...


I went into the summer with big plans, mainly to meditate and exercise a lot more. Then I...


When was the last time you were so focused that time stood still?
